Friday, December 19, 2008


That's what I'm thinking right now... due to the DRASTIC haircut I got today!

I have been thinking about donating my hair to Locks of Love for a while now and I finally decided to do it! But it is SHORT!!! The amount you have to donate is 10 inches, but I'd say that the total I actually cut off was at least a foot! The new cut is very fun, but it's going to take some SERIOUS getting used to!

Lindsay, the girl who cut it at a place called Hair Solutions here in Park City, was really nice and she did a great job, but she straightened it and that's not something I would do with this cut, so I think I'll like it more when I do it myself. That's usually the case for me anyway. Luckily my hair grows really fast so if this really does feel too short after a week or so, at least I know it won't be long before I've got some length back. And bottom line- it's for a good cause! It's the season of giving, right?

Here are some pics of the new 'do...

The view from the back.

The view from the front.

Perfect headband hair. Hats are a different story :(

Fare...(sob)...well...(sob, sob).

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just wait five minutes.

They say of New England weather: If you don't like it, just wait five minutes. I'm learning that Park City is the same! It has been snowing lately, that famous powder that I've heard so much about! A true winter wonderland!

When I looked out my window late this morning it was not snowing, but by the time I was out of the shower, it was. I had some errands to run but decided to wait it out and get some stuff done around the apartment. I realized the other day that they don't clean up the roads very well in PC so I figured I'd go out once the snow had stopped and the plows had started. After a couple of hours it was still snowing, but pretty lightly, so I went out. After driving for a couple of minutes it was a white out!!! I kid you not, you could barely see a thing, and on top of that, just as I suspected, the roads were completely covered in slush!

I was in the store for maybe 10 minutes getting what I needed. By the time I came out, it was like a COMPLETELY different day! The sun was shining and while the roads were still messy, the plows were out and you could see perfectly! I couldn't believe it! Only the mountains still had some fog (or clouds or whatever it is) around them, but that's actually really beautiful. The weather can change in an instant here, it's so crazy!

I've always found Park City to be a visually pleasing spot, but I've only recently realized the beauty of Park City at night. The mountains look like ice cream sundaes, the way that the trails and the trees wind down the sides- that's really the only way I can describe it, which might not make sense but if you saw it, you'd understand. You can also see all of the lights in the houses spotting the hills, which is a unique and pretty sight as well! Since it's the holiday season there are Christmas lights and decorations all around which only adds to the scenery.

I took this picture from my driveway this afternoon. I love the blue color that everything has. It's hard to see but the fog/cloud I was talking about is right behind the trees, but you can tell there's a clear, beautiful sky. I'm not sure the photo does it justice, but everything looked lovely after the snow!

It's less than 10 days until Christmas! Is everyone ready??? Some of the presents I mailed out might be late, but forgive me please, this is the first year that I've had to send out a GREAT majority of my gifts. This required more preparation and supplies than I expected! I hope that no one is too stressed out with holiday shopping and planning! Remember to take some time to relax with your loved ones! Make cookies, build a snowman, create snow angels, go sledding, go skiing. Have some hot chocolate or eggnog- spiked if you need it! Watch your favorite Christmas film, or watch a holiday movie you've never seen before. And don't forget to listen to some Christmas music!

If you need some ideas for Christmas movies here are a few that I like...

Scrooged. Obviously.
The Family Stone.
Love Actually.

Hmmm... I thought I liked more Christmas themed films. Guess not. That's a sad list. What's your favorite Christmas movie? Besides A Christmas Story, because I'm sure most of you are thinking that! It's a good movie, but enough already!!

My quote is from The Family Stone, it goes along with this post quite nicely, I think.

Meredith: So what was that dream?
Ben: Which?
M: You told me you had a dream about me but you didn't finish. You didn't say what I was doing.
B: You were shoveling snow.
M: I... what?

B: You were just a little girl in a flannel nightgown and you were shoveling snow from the walk in front of our house. And I was the snow and everywhere it landed, everything it covered. And you scooped me up. You scooped me up with a big red shovel.

P.S. In case anyone didn't believe me about Belami's love affair with wrapping paper, here he is attacking the roll. It's a love/hate relationship.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I would like to apologize in advance to anyone receiving a Christmas gift from me for the amount of cat hair that will come along with it. Belami is a wretched wrapping partner!

You know how wrapping paper kind of attracts hair? Well a cat who enjoys laying all over the wrapping paper (while you're trying to wrap a present) really doesn't help matters.

On the subject of Christmas gifts, I just about ripped my hair out at the mall yesterday! It was SO CROWDED! I drove into Salt Lake to do my shopping and I couldn't get out of there quick enough. Oh and here's a thought: a baby stroller the size of a hummer shouldn't even be manufactured, never mind allowed in a mall!

I'm sure you're all thinking "Hasn't Heather worked in a mall for the past 9 years? Shouldn't she be immune to this by now?" I was thinking the same thing, but you know what it probably was? Because of my schedule, I hardly ever have weekends off so if I have to go to the mall it's usually on a weekday when things are a little less hectic.... lesson learned. I won't make that mistake twice.

So I was looking for quotes about shopping on the Internet to end this with, and this one popped up because it just has the word 'shopping' in it. I thought it was really funny and it got me thinking that I do the same thing in my letters... why??? Enjoy, even though it has nothing to do with the entry!

Friends write me letters. They run out of room on the front of the letter. They write 'over' on the bottom of the letter. Like I'm that much of a moron. Like I need that there. Because if it wasn't there, I'd get to the bottom of the page: 'And so Kathy and I went shopping and we-' That's the craziest thing! I don't know why she would just end it that way.
Ellen DeGeneres

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shopping, names, books...

Good Saturday to you all! I would say good morning but I know it's not morning for everyone...

How is the Holiday shopping coming along? I have been doing a little at a time for about a week now but this weekend it's time to get serious! This is the first time that I will have to mail all of my Christmas gifts! I'm NOT a last minute shopper by any means but I like to linger a bit. I'll see something that I think someone will like but I have a hard time committing right away so I continue shopping and maybe I find something better, maybe not. It's the same way with me and channels- radio or TV. I'm a flipper, I always think there's something more interesting to watch or listen to. And magazines too! I flip through the whole thing first before committing to an article. Hmmmm.... I wonder if there's some deeper meaning here?

Speaking of articles I found another interesting one, this time it was about names. I LOVE names and think that they should mean something. Belami means "my beautiful friend" and that's exactly what he is! Anyway the article said that recently people have been giving their babies more common names- I think celebs are still the exception- Bronx Mowgli. Although I think that name is cute!

So many people come into J. Crew with babies and we always ask what they are named. Most of them have peculiar names but I was just saying to someone (can't remember who- Mom?) that I have noticed babies names being a little less unusual than before. We had a little Daniel one day and I think there was even an Elizabeth! There were three little girls playing together one day and one of them was named Sophie which I don't think is terribly unusual. The other two were Esme (Cullen?) and Senora- which do nothing to support this theory. Then recently we had a woman come in with a little boy named Jaden, who said that if she had known how popular that name would be she would have thought twice about it. I've heard a lot of parents say that. How important is it to give your child an unusual name? I like less common names. Nothing like Pilot Inspektor, but like Jaden's mom, I would be totally bummed if I gave my child a name I thought wasn't popular and then everyone, including Britney Spears, named their own baby the same thing!

I like my name- do you like yours? Has there ever been one name you really wished was your own? When I was little I wanted my name to be Alexandra. Seriously. I thought it was such a beautiful name and I liked Alex as a nickname. I love it when girls have masculine sounding names, but I hate it when guys have feminine sounding names. I don't know, maybe I'm in the minority here, finding this intriguing.

I need reading suggestions! I am in the middle of Eclipse, the third of the Twilight series, and then I'll read the fourth but I've got nothing lined up after that. Luckily Stephen King just put his list in Entertainment Weekly and I've had luck with his recommendations, but what would all of YOU suggest? And by the way if anyone is looking for a quick read, and I do mean QUICK, pick up the Twilight series, once you start them you are truly enraptured!! I know that I asked earlier what people love so much about this story and I'm still not sure, but for me I think it's the suspense, the mystery. I love a book where I truly do not know how it will end! I'm glad I have some time off right now because I literally read every night until I can't keep my eyes open! And now that I'm more than halfway through the saga I can say without a doubt that I'm on Team Edward! Which would you rather date- a werewolf or a vampire? Tough choice.

Good children's literature appeals not only to the child in the adult, but to the adult in the child.