Monday, October 27, 2008


I feel as though I have not been completely honest on my blog. I vowed when I started this that I wouldn't write about 2 things.

1. Anything negative or confidential at work.

2. Anything that made another person look bad or stupid. This is meant to be a fun, entertaining and overall positive account of my life. I didn't start this blog to bad mouth anyone, and let's face it- they might eventually see it. Yikes.

By not writing about these 2 things a majority of you don't know that I'm actually having a very difficult time with one of my coworkers to the point where I've thought about leaving the store. I hate to do this to you, but I'll stop there. That's not what this entry is about. This entry is about dealing with a situation like that while you are all by yourself a million miles away from everyone and everything familiar. Truth be told, dealing with it is extremely difficult.

I am so completely happy that I took this big leap and moved to Park City. It has made me feel very good about myself. We all have these amazing moments every now and then where we fully realize our strengths and life just couldn't be better. We are, after all, our own worst critics, so when we're pleased with ourselves, it's a phenomenal feeling. But then there are moments where it is apparent just how human we are through the surfacing of fears, weaknesses and vulnerabilities we never even knew about.

I predict that I will be back on the east coast in a year. I have been thinking that for a little while now and I've just been too afraid to say it because I worry that people will think I'm weak and unadventurous. But you know what? I, like many people, have spent far too much time worrying about what others think of me. Recently I have allowed someone to make me doubt myself and my abilities- and no one should let that happen.

I learned a lot over the past few days. We must have faith in ourselves to get through the bad times, but having a support team close by certainly doesn't hurt and it's not something to be ashamed of needing. Sometimes all we need is a hug and I haven't been hugged in a long time. So do me a favor everyone, will you, please? Give someone a hug today and think of me. Just like I could sense when someone was talking smack about me behind my back at work this past week, I think I will sense that someone somewhere is giving a hug in my honor.

What did make me feel better at the end of a rough day? Belami. He's the best and he loves me no matter what. I feel the same way about him.

Remember, if people talk behind your back, it only means you are two steps ahead."
-Fannie Flagg

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