Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shopping, names, books...

Good Saturday to you all! I would say good morning but I know it's not morning for everyone...

How is the Holiday shopping coming along? I have been doing a little at a time for about a week now but this weekend it's time to get serious! This is the first time that I will have to mail all of my Christmas gifts! I'm NOT a last minute shopper by any means but I like to linger a bit. I'll see something that I think someone will like but I have a hard time committing right away so I continue shopping and maybe I find something better, maybe not. It's the same way with me and channels- radio or TV. I'm a flipper, I always think there's something more interesting to watch or listen to. And magazines too! I flip through the whole thing first before committing to an article. Hmmmm.... I wonder if there's some deeper meaning here?

Speaking of articles I found another interesting one, this time it was about names. I LOVE names and think that they should mean something. Belami means "my beautiful friend" and that's exactly what he is! Anyway the article said that recently people have been giving their babies more common names- I think celebs are still the exception- Bronx Mowgli. Although I think that name is cute!

So many people come into J. Crew with babies and we always ask what they are named. Most of them have peculiar names but I was just saying to someone (can't remember who- Mom?) that I have noticed babies names being a little less unusual than before. We had a little Daniel one day and I think there was even an Elizabeth! There were three little girls playing together one day and one of them was named Sophie which I don't think is terribly unusual. The other two were Esme (Cullen?) and Senora- which do nothing to support this theory. Then recently we had a woman come in with a little boy named Jaden, who said that if she had known how popular that name would be she would have thought twice about it. I've heard a lot of parents say that. How important is it to give your child an unusual name? I like less common names. Nothing like Pilot Inspektor, but like Jaden's mom, I would be totally bummed if I gave my child a name I thought wasn't popular and then everyone, including Britney Spears, named their own baby the same thing!

I like my name- do you like yours? Has there ever been one name you really wished was your own? When I was little I wanted my name to be Alexandra. Seriously. I thought it was such a beautiful name and I liked Alex as a nickname. I love it when girls have masculine sounding names, but I hate it when guys have feminine sounding names. I don't know, maybe I'm in the minority here, finding this intriguing.

I need reading suggestions! I am in the middle of Eclipse, the third of the Twilight series, and then I'll read the fourth but I've got nothing lined up after that. Luckily Stephen King just put his list in Entertainment Weekly and I've had luck with his recommendations, but what would all of YOU suggest? And by the way if anyone is looking for a quick read, and I do mean QUICK, pick up the Twilight series, once you start them you are truly enraptured!! I know that I asked earlier what people love so much about this story and I'm still not sure, but for me I think it's the suspense, the mystery. I love a book where I truly do not know how it will end! I'm glad I have some time off right now because I literally read every night until I can't keep my eyes open! And now that I'm more than halfway through the saga I can say without a doubt that I'm on Team Edward! Which would you rather date- a werewolf or a vampire? Tough choice.

Good children's literature appeals not only to the child in the adult, but to the adult in the child.


Paula said...

Okay, so today at work I met a little girl named Athy. That's right, Kathy with no K (or even a C). Just Athy. WTF.
And the guy on "Eli Stone" named his new baby Buster Timothy. I guess he didn't get the memo: Buster is a DOG NAME! Or a really fat guy! but not a baby!!!

Amy said...

I met a girl a month or so ago and her name was Ayla and I love it...she was older though not a baby...but the weirdest thing was even though I'd never heard that name before about two weeks later I met someone else with that name, wtf?!? I'm with you one the masculine girls names and fem boys names, the worst I think is a boy named Ashley!