Hey folks!
Sorry I haven't blogged these past couple of days- I've been busy with work and haven't had anything truly blog worthy happening. Things have been a lot better in regards to recruiting now that Stacie, Kathleen and I are all in the same place and working as a team. We're meeting some really nice people as we walk around Park City who are excited to have a J. Crew coming to town and some of them even want to help us open the store! We need as many people as we can get to help get everything set up for the grand opening on September 23! I've noticed that it is definitely more effective to recruit on the weekdays since we can't hire anyone under 18. Yesterday as I was walking around by myself trying to get the word out the only employees, it seemed, were teenage boys! After the holiday weekend we're going to visit all of the schools in the area to talk up our teacher discount (15%) and see if any of the faculty want to help us the weekend before we open. There are some great wardrobe basics for teachers at J. Crew so hopefully some people will be interested.
We went into one boutique-type store on Main Street called Mary Jane's- very similar to Luna Chicks for all the NH people. We were talking to Lori, the owner, and we somehow got on the topic of shoplifting, I think she was just warning us that there's a lot of it in the area. She told us that once they caught Paris Hilton trying to steal from her store!!!! I have no idea if this is true or not, but isn't that crazy!?! She started namedropping a bit after that and told us that Lindsay Lohan has come in many times before and she was really nice and also Kirsten Dunst. Lori explained that all these actresses go to rehab in the mountains and then shop on Main Street. Stacie told us about some of the celebrities who shopped at the retail J. Crew she worked at in L.A. Among them Alyssa Milano and Alec Baldwin.... COOL!!!
Onto something not work related....I was exploring EW.com today where they have a ton of lists on subjects like "the 20 worst sci-fi movies ever made" or "the top 25 movies of the last ten years" etc. One list they had was the worst dialogue ever. I started trying to think of some movie lines that make me laugh or cringe every time I hear them and all I could think of was that winner from "Brokeback Mountain." Say it with me now.....
"I wish I knew how to quit you."
Don't get me wrong, that's a good movie but that particular line was just asking to be made fun of. That movie had some other silly lines- and didn't the screenplay win an Oscar??? I know a screenplay isn't just about dialogue but still.... There was a whole list of dialogue that readers had posted and it was really long so I'm not sure if anyone else listed anything from "Brokeback Mountain." The funny thing about the list was the people who wrote something that started like "I couldn't believe how bad the lines were in 'Troll 2'...." Okay I don't know what "Troll 2" is but with a name like that, were people surprised that the dialogue wasn't good? What is YOUR favorite movie for bad dialogue? It's fun to think of bad movie lines!
If you ever get bored of my blog, Amy, EW.com is a website that can hold your interest for a good while. Just look for the lists!!
Did anyone see Shawn Johnson on Jay Leno the other night? She told this really funny story about flying home after the Olympics. They were waiting on the plane and were told it was because they needed another pilot. Apparently the original pilot was bending over looking for something and they told him Shawn Johnson would be on the flight so he stood up so fast out of excitement that he hit his head on the overhead compartment and had to be taken to the hospital for stitches! Isn't that hilarious?
Hope everyone is enjoying the long Labor Day weekend! There was talk of snow here in PC tomorrow but I just checked the forecast and it looks like there will be thunderstorms instead. SNOW?!?! On September 1st?! What have a I gotten myself into!?!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I got the call!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to be making the announcement you've all been waiting for....
SUZETTE CALLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, right?! She apologized and said that since she is a teacher she's been very busy these past couple of weeks. She was really nice about it and felt bad that I had been so worried about things! When we first started talking we actually got disconnected and all I could think was "Oh great! She finally calls me and now a cell phone isn't working!" Luckily I called her back and she answered right away. I am SO GLAD to have this taken care of. She is going to call me next week so that we can figure out the lease and the deposit check. At least now I know that if she doesn't call me right away she will EVENTUALLY call me. She assured me that the apartment is mine, I have nothing to worry about and she's really looking forward to renting to Laura Lee and me. YIPPEE!!
This afternoon I met with Kathleen and Stacie so that we could figure out exactly where we are at with hiring and to get organized and on the same page. We met at Park City Bread and Bagel which is that coffee/ bagel shop I have mentioned before. I am excited that I made the connection with this place because everyone there is super-nice and Kathleen and Stacie both like it a lot. It has become our official meeting place, and we'll be doing interviews there from now on. We asked them about catering the week before we open since the company pays to feed everyone during those long days. The owner, Adam, who is a really nice, young guy (I know what you're thinking, Mom. He has a girlfriend, I've met her too.) gave us the catering menu and we noticed that the prices were a little more than we could pay so he told us he would do it for less. Like $1.50 less per sandwich- that's really nice! It's just nice to know that I'm the one who found the spot and now it's becoming really useful!
On the subject of food, I made that meal I found on Rachael Ray's show. It was really good, except for the sun-dried tomatoes. I never have luck cooking with those! I like them when I order out but they always gross me out when I do anything with them myself. It was supposed to be made with a zucchini and onion salad but obviously I wouldn't cook anything involving an onion so instead I just cooked up some broccoli with garlic and olive oil- delicious! Now I am so full! The picture of my dinner doesn't do it justice and if anyone wants the recipe check out Rachael Ray's website.
I was discussing my blog with my Mom today and I was saying that I think it's funny to compare the subject matter of my blog with cousin Katie's.... She's writing about the next president and I'm recommending that everyone watch a movie about stoners. To each his (her?) own.
Was "Pineapple Express" directed by Wes Anderson?

Last night Kathleen and I went to see "Pineapple Express" and I have to say that anyone who wants to see a really stupid, but also really funny movie should check this one out. You should wait until it comes to DVD (nothing is gained by a bigger screen with this one) but once it does, go ahead and rent it because you'll get a kick out of it!
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote the screenplay for this film, the same guys who gave us "Superbad" and there are some major similarities. They both take place over about 24 hours and feature 2 guys who go on a little adventure together. They say mean things to each other, go their separate ways and then one of them ends up carrying (literally) the other one out of a dangerous situation when they realize that friends are more important than anything. Or as they say "Bros before hos." There is a third guy in the mix who is kind of a friend but not really- someone the 2 main guys don't really like but he eventually makes a sacrifice and comes through for our heroes. In "Superbad" it was McLovin, in "P.E." it's Red. There was a lot more violence in this movie than I expected and it's not as good as "Superbad" but it does have James Franco, who manages to be super-sexy even as a drug dealer.
Now I will recount the moment yesterday when I asked Kathleen if she wanted to go see the movie.
Heather: Do you have any interest in seeing "Pineapple Express?"
Kathleen: Is that still in theaters?
H: Yeah! It just came out in the beginning of August.
K: Well, I guess, I mean I don't really know what it's about... but I loved "The Royal Tenenbaums."
H: What???
K: Yeah, you know, it's got all the same people in it, like Jason Shwartzman. (Sidenote: I don't think Jason Shwartzman is even in "The Royal Tenenbaums." Is he?)
H: No it doesn't! What!?!
K: Yes it does!
H: No it doesn't! What are you talking about? This one has all the same people as "Superbad," "40-year-old-virgin" all those movies. It's about guys who smoke pot.
K: Oh yeah! I know what you're talking about!
H: What were you talking about?
We thought for a minute....
H: You must have been thinking of "The Darjeeling Limited!"
K: Oh yeah- oops!
H: That's actually a really good movie, you should see that.
And so on....
I can totally understand the confusion. "Darjeeling" is about some guys on a train and anything with the word "express" in the title does sound like it could be about a train. I hope she doesn't mind me telling everyone this but it was really funny and reminds me of the time Jared confused "Finding Forrester" with "Saving Silverman." Again, I can see how the titles make it confusing.
I watched a Rachael Ray rerun this morning (because John Krasinski was the guest) and ended up getting a good recipe off of it! Mozzarella In Carozza. It's grilled cheese with an Italian twist: instead of just boring cheese you put in mozzarella, sun-dried tomatoes and basil. It's like a grilled caprese salad! As most of you know if something contains mozzarella I'm all over it so I think I'm going to try making this! I'll let you know how it turns out!
I got Suzette's email address today and wrote her an email this morning so hopefully I'll have better luck getting in touch with her that way! As always, I'll keep you all posted!
Monday, August 25, 2008
B and Me
If dog is man's best friend, is cat woman's best friend?
I am so absolutely grateful to have Belami here in Park City. Now I know that I have said this before (many times) but I was thinking about it and he has been a huge help in my adjustment to a new place. It is so nice to come back to my apartment and have him waiting for me. I love playing with him and how he sits with me while I'm typing emails or blogs. It's so great to have another living creature around to keep me company in a place where I don't know anyone. Not only is Belami a companion, but much like a keepsake or photo he is a reminder of home and I can't imagine doing this without him. I am so lucky to have him!
I think that's enough cheese for one blog....
They have announced the cast for the seventh season of "Dancing with the Stars"- who's excited?!? ME, ME, ME!! This season will feature the youngest competitor and the oldest competitor EVER, plus there will be 13 stars instead of the normal 12. Go to abc.com for the full cast and list of couples. And ladies, Maksim returns this season... hubba hubba! The season premiere is 3 nights long! Seriously abc- do you think we have nothing better to do 3 nights a week!? Oh well, I guess my massive social life (yeah right) will have to suffer that week.
Speaking of TV, does anyone know when DVD collections will be available for last season's "The Office" and "Lost"- I have some catching up to do!
Still nothing from Suzette, but I left her a message saying that if I don't hear from her by the middle of the week, I'll have to look for something else. Hopefully that will get a response!
My store director, Stacie, will be back in town tomorrow so hopefully that will make the recruiting a little easier. Stacie, the other manager, Kathleen, and I are getting together on Wednesday in order to make sure we're all on the same page and come up with a game plan since the store opens in a little less than a month!
I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK to anyone starting college this year: Jared, Jeff, Chris, Kathleen- am I forgetting anyone? You guys will all be great! It's OK to be nervous, just remember to have fun because there is no other adventure like the one you are about to take on!! My college advice for anyone and everyone.... STUDY ABROAD!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Flowers? For me? The official birthday blog!
I'm 25! This seems like a pretty cool age to be! It was so weird because this morning I woke up randomly and flipped open my phone to see what time it was and it was 7:20- the exact time I was born 25 years ago!! I just thought that was interesting!
I decided that I would take the day off from recruiting/ worrying about work today and just relax and enjoy my first birthday away from home. I talked to some people on the phone this morning and read all of my electronic birthday wishes and then I did some errands and got a pedicure! It was nice and relaxing and the girl was really sweet..... even as she told me I could come back anytime for a wax and pointed to the "upper lip" section on the salon's brochure. Well happy birthday to me!
I had another delivery today, this time when I opened my door I found some very beautiful flowers waiting for me! Thanks Mom and Dad! They DID brighten up my day! I put them up high so Belami won't be tempted.
I met my landlord's dog, Bula, today and he is so adorable! He came right over to me in the driveway and sat next to me putting all of his weight on me the way dogs do. He is a good dog and obviously loves attention. He is a 2-year-old golden retriever- I love him already!
Last night I went to a book group in Salt Lake City! There were about 10 people total ranging from mid-twenties to mid-thirties I'd say, and everyone was really nice. It was mostly girls but there were 2 guys. Including me there were 5 new people, I think. A lot of the people who were in the group have moved so they posted an ad for new members on Craigslist which my mom saw and passed along to me. The woman hosting made some salads and then everyone else ended up bringing dessert, with the exception of one guy who brought wine. The food was yummy and the conversation was good so it was a very pleasant evening!
I was really grateful for my GPS last night when I was coming home from SLC. The GPS took me to I-80 which is the big, scary highway that brings me into Park City, but the ramp to get on the highway was closed due to construction. There is SO MUCH construction around here it is awful!! So I wasn't sure where I was really and I didn't know how to get back- I realized later that I could have always gotten on I-80 going in the opposite direction, gotten off at the next exit and then gotten back on going the right way, but anyway. So I told my GPS to take me to the J Crew in Murray since I knew how to get home from there which it did and then I made it home safely- phew!
I really should be going- tonight I'll be having my birthday dinner with cousin Katie's friend Ashley, who lives in SLC and is nice enough to drive out here and keep me company on my big day!
MANY X's, MANY O's!!!
I decided that I would take the day off from recruiting/ worrying about work today and just relax and enjoy my first birthday away from home. I talked to some people on the phone this morning and read all of my electronic birthday wishes and then I did some errands and got a pedicure! It was nice and relaxing and the girl was really sweet..... even as she told me I could come back anytime for a wax and pointed to the "upper lip" section on the salon's brochure. Well happy birthday to me!
I had another delivery today, this time when I opened my door I found some very beautiful flowers waiting for me! Thanks Mom and Dad! They DID brighten up my day! I put them up high so Belami won't be tempted.
I met my landlord's dog, Bula, today and he is so adorable! He came right over to me in the driveway and sat next to me putting all of his weight on me the way dogs do. He is a good dog and obviously loves attention. He is a 2-year-old golden retriever- I love him already!
Last night I went to a book group in Salt Lake City! There were about 10 people total ranging from mid-twenties to mid-thirties I'd say, and everyone was really nice. It was mostly girls but there were 2 guys. Including me there were 5 new people, I think. A lot of the people who were in the group have moved so they posted an ad for new members on Craigslist which my mom saw and passed along to me. The woman hosting made some salads and then everyone else ended up bringing dessert, with the exception of one guy who brought wine. The food was yummy and the conversation was good so it was a very pleasant evening!
I was really grateful for my GPS last night when I was coming home from SLC. The GPS took me to I-80 which is the big, scary highway that brings me into Park City, but the ramp to get on the highway was closed due to construction. There is SO MUCH construction around here it is awful!! So I wasn't sure where I was really and I didn't know how to get back- I realized later that I could have always gotten on I-80 going in the opposite direction, gotten off at the next exit and then gotten back on going the right way, but anyway. So I told my GPS to take me to the J Crew in Murray since I knew how to get home from there which it did and then I made it home safely- phew!
I really should be going- tonight I'll be having my birthday dinner with cousin Katie's friend Ashley, who lives in SLC and is nice enough to drive out here and keep me company on my big day!
MANY X's, MANY O's!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cookies and jewelry.... what more could a girl ask for?
You all saw that I just couldn't stop thinking about the birthday package that my mom had sent me and I was just going to have to open it early. Which I did. Inside there was a cute card with a kitty on it that told me to "dance like nobody's watching." To that I say: is there any other way to dance? The idea of dancing like nobody's watching brings to mind the video of Cara Mitchell at my joint birthday bash with Emily Caporello and Shannon O'Halloran. Anyone who attended knows what I'm referring to.... it was awesome.
You'll see the other contents of the package in the bottom picture I've posted. Mom- anything not pictured is already being used, ie. the key chains :) In case my beautiful display isn't clear, here's a list of what I got:
Really cool wallet things that fit inside each other
A pretty photo album.
Starry post-its!
An aromatherapy candle for inspiration and a little dish that it sits in- so cute!!
A pin that I love reading "Make love not war" with a flower.
A stained glass bookmark.
Some aromatherapy patches for things like stress, PMS or a cold.
Such lovely stuff and so much of it! Just the little pick-me-up I needed! There was also a pretty card from my uncle Neil and aunt Betty!
Today I came home to 2 packages at my door!! One was big and full of...... COOKIES!!! It was a cookie bouquet from my parentals which can be seen in the middle picture. I already ate a cookie and it was delicious!
The second package was from Carol and it had the coolest pendant in it- visible in the top photo! Carol, I love it! I can't wait to wear it! There were also some very cool note cards- a great idea for someone who just moved across the country from most of the people she knows!!
So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! The presents are fabulous- looks like I'm going to make it through my first birthday away from home after all. The only thing that could make this birthday better is a pool party!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
"Life Elevated"
Today I will share with everyone the adventure that is getting a license in Utah. My NH license expires this Saturday since, as many of you know, (read: I'm expecting lots of phone calls/ cards/ packages etc.) it's my birthday and this just happens to be the year it expires.
Before arriving in Park City I downloaded a "Guide for new residents to Park City" off of the city's official website. There I found that you cannot get a license in Park City, you must go to one of the following cities: Heber, Salt Lake City or Coalville. Heber is the closest so I decided I would go there. However, when I called the Heber office on Monday around 11:30 am no one answered even though the guide said the office was open at that time. Then I called the office in SLC where an automated message gave me the basics like hours the office was open and what I needed in order to get a license in Utah. Here's what you need: your old license, your social security card and 2 official items with your name and Utah address..... hold it right there. I've been in Utah for 2 weeks, been in my current apartment for less than 1 week- I'm not getting mail yet, all I have is my rental agreement, but no other documents to prove that I live in Utah. So I decided to hold and talk to an operator about this. I was on hold for over 5 minutes when a woman finally answered. I won't go into detail but she was extremely rude and every time she told me that she couldn't hear me I'm convinced it's because she didn't want to answer my questions and was hoping I would get frustrated and hang up. The only thing I learned from that conversation was that I absolutely had to have those 2 items with my address. I wasn't completely sure what to do so I went online and changed my address for my credit card and printed it out, hoping that would do- although seriously doubting it. I got directions off Mapquest for the Heber office (if I came face to face with the lady in SLC and she gave me 'tude again who knows what I'd do) since I haven't figured out how to enter in the wacky UT street addresses into my GPS.
The next morning I got up and headed to Heber City- just a 15 minute drive. Heber is a really nice town with a cute Main Street and barns, farms and horses on the outskirts. I drove around for about half an hour trying to find the office with no luck so I finally pulled over at a Walgreens to ask for help. The woman was really nice as she explained to me that the office where you get a license in Heber hasn't been in the spot that the Park City website gave me for at least 10 years. She gave me directions to the place where the office actually is and I was on my way. When I got there the young girl who helped me was SO nice but as expected they couldn't accept my Internet printout as my second proof of residence. I explained my whole situation about how I just moved and my license expires on Saturday yada, yada, yada and finally another employee told me that I could register my car at the town offices up the street and use that as my proof of residence. So I was off again and when I got to the DMV the very nice woman there (who I later found out was the mother of the nice girl) told me that in order to register your car in Utah you must first have it inspected. My next stop was Pennzoil for a quick inspection which my car passed and then it was back to the DMV. A nice old man (I love the Heber residents!) got me all squared away with my new Utah license plates and all that so not only was my car registered but now I could get a license... FINALLY! Only problem? I had to be back in Park City for an interview in just over an hour. So my license would have to wait. Instead I went to the hardware store and bought some screwdrivers so I could attach my new license plates. When I walked up to the counter the male cashier said "Oh look at you." Which I'm assuming was in response to the fact that I was a girl buying tools. Is that honestly the first time he's seen that??? I put my license plates on in the parking lot just to make sure I had bought the right size screwdriver (and because I was excited to have Utah plates) and while I was doing that another guy walked by and said "Ooooh, auto mechanics in a skirt? I like it!" Ok so maybe I only like Heber residents who work for the town.... And for the record I had on a looong skirt, so I wasn't being inappropriate or anything. There are 2 basic license plates in Utah, one has a skier on it and says something like "the best snow on earth" and the other, as you can see on my car, has an arch and says "life elevated." I knew I wanted that one from the very beginning- it's so colorful and pretty and I like the tag line.
Today I went back and got my license with absolutely no problems at all! You have to take an open book written test and I scored 100% thank you very much! Haha, anything worse than that and I would be a little worried. I can't wait to get my new license in the mail in a couple of weeks! My weight is on my license- isn't that weird?? I wasn't exactly sure how much I weigh so I had to guess but what is the point of that? Anybody else have their weight on their license?
So I know this is the longest post ever and I've probably lost most of my audience at this point but there is just one thing I need some feedback on. I have been calling my future "landlord" Suzette, for the past couple of days trying to give her a check for my security deposit or something to make me feel more secure about the permanent apartment and she hasn't called me back!! Her voicemail says that the apartment has been rented, but at this point should I assume that perhaps it's been rented to someone else even though she told me on Saturday that I could stop looking for a place to live??? I'm freaking out here- story of my Park City existence, right? The girl who will be my roommate, Laura Lee, said that she spoke with Suzette Monday and she told Laura Lee to mail her a check for the deposit.... I don't know what to do! So tell me what you think, people! Should I start looking for something else?
If you've made it to the end of this post thanks for reading! And mom, I don't think I can wait until Saturday to open my package- I keep thinking about it!!! Don't be mad but I think I'm going to have to give in!!!
Night night!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Movie Recommendation

You all get 2 post from me today, lucky ducks! This one's especially for you, Shauna!
I watched the movie "Lars & the Real Girl" last night and I really liked it. Now I'm sure that everyone who wanted to see this movie has already seen it and anyone who hasn't seen it probably has no interest in it since it's a a little strange. It really is about a guy who is convinced that a blow up doll, Bianca, is his girlfriend. But what is so sweet about it is how everyone in the small town he lives in is SO nice to him (and Bianca) because they feel like that is what's best for him. I was always taught to smile at and be kind to anyone who is different and that's what the people in this town do. I was wondering what would happen the whole movie- I really had no idea how they would choose to end it. I think Ryan Gosling is one of the BEST young actors out there right now and he doesn't disappoint as Lars. The supporting cast is superb as well and there were a few parts where I laughed really hard! The movie isn't hilarious or anything but some little parts are pretty funny! So if anyone is looking for a good movie to rent I suggest "Lars & the Real Girl." OK and just notice one thing for me: Lars' fly is always down!! At first I thought I was just seeing things, but I'm pretty sure his pants are not zipped for a majority of the movie, not in a creepy way or anything but a "I'm just too dopey to remember to zip my fly" kind of way.... we've all been there.
Mom- you might want to skip this one since you haven't really liked any movie I've recommended to you in the last year, but you never know!
2199 Monarch Drive
Here are some photos of our current living space for everyone to enjoy! In this last picture you can see where Belami's favorite perch is! The apt. is actually really nice and the style is kind of mountain home with a South American flair. My landlord, Paola, is from Paraguay, but she's been in Park City for 8 years. This place has the coolest sinks as you saw in the photos! I don't know if the kitchen sink looks cool in the picture but it's hammered and really deep- I love it!! Hope everyone enjoys these photos and is able to get an idea of where I'm living!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
We have a home- FOR REAL!!!
I went to look at an apartment today here in town and I really liked so I knew what I had to do... tell them right away that I was interested so it didn't slip away! I went back over to talk about everything and while there's some minor details to be worked out around the girl that I'll be living with, I asked the woman if it was safe for me to stop looking and she said definitely!! HALLELUJAH!!! Thank goodness!! I should have known that I just had to throw a little fit, blow things way out of proportion and completely loose hope and then I'd be sure to find something. I will feel totally secure once I've signed something and given them the security deposit- obviously, but for now I'm feeling pretty good! The apartment is below a family's house but it truly is an actual apartment! 2 bedroom/ 2 bathroom, washer/dryer, 2 private entrances (we even have our own doorbell!!) 1 space in the garage (we can work that out) and storage space, snow removal, right near a bus stop in case the snow is too crazy, excellent location! Am I forgetting anything? Totally in my price range- less in fact, than most places I've looked at, a little less than the place I'm in now!! So I move in October 1 with a year lease which is perfect! I will be living with a girl named Laura Lee who has lived in Park City before but is in Dallas right now. I have only talked to her on the phone a few times and emailed back and forth but she seems really nice and normal and has 2 cats for Belami to play with! The woman renting it, Suzette, just wants to talk with Laura Lee a bit more but I should know exactly what's going on by the end of the weekend. I'll keep everyone posted with this!
Here is my current address:
2199 Monarch Drive
Park City, UT 84060
If anyone wants to send me something just make sure it's clear that the mail is for me (not that it wouldn't be clear, but you know) because the woman I'm renting it from will just stick it under my door. This will be my address until the end of September, like I said, and I'll get everyone my new one once I'm there.
I want to post pictures of my current apartment but my camera needs to be charged so I have to remember where I packed the charger :) I should be able to post them tomorrow!
Here is my current address:
2199 Monarch Drive
Park City, UT 84060
If anyone wants to send me something just make sure it's clear that the mail is for me (not that it wouldn't be clear, but you know) because the woman I'm renting it from will just stick it under my door. This will be my address until the end of September, like I said, and I'll get everyone my new one once I'm there.
I want to post pictures of my current apartment but my camera needs to be charged so I have to remember where I packed the charger :) I should be able to post them tomorrow!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
We found a place.... if only temporary.
Good day!
It's another beautiful day here in Park City and I finally have some pretty good news to report. I have found a temporary place to stay until I find something more permanent and I move in tomorrow. It is a really cute little furnished studio on the back of a woman's house, but it really felt very separate when I went to check it out. It's absolutely charming!! I'll post some pics as soon as I'm settled. I'm so glad to be out of the hotel and especially to be into a place where I'll have Internet.... let's hope anyway, right? I mean they said I would have it in my room here and I don't. So first thing next week I'll go get a new license and I need to make a new tag for Belami that doesn't say NH on it! I'll also figure out exactly what I need to do for my car.... we're getting somewhere with all this finally! I'm still looking for something long term however and those places are harder and harder to come by the closer fall (and winter) gets. I would advise anyone moving as far away as I did to REALLY think about the area that you're going to. I hate to sound defeated but if I had known what a hassle the beginning of this would be I would have gone somewhere much closer that was easier to visit and find a place to live beforehand. I was saying to my mom last night that luckily all of this has been a distraction from being homesick b/c I haven't felt that at all!!
Recruiting is still coming along much like the apartment hunt...... SLOWLY. We have a couple of people, but that's it! Luckily next week the other associate manager, Kathleen, will be in town so we can work together- it will be so nice to have someone else around!! Not that Belami hasn't been a superb companion but I really do feel bad for him, he must be bored in the little room and he probably will be in this new studio too, but what can I do? When it comes to apartments and living situations PC is NOT pet friendly. But you see dogs everywhere- that's something I've definitely realized recently.
I went into a store in town called "World Market" yesterday- has anyone heard of it? I guess it's a West Coast thing, but it was really cool. It's kind of like Pier 1, but seems less expensive. I LOVED it!! So many cool things to decorate a home or an apartment and other fun little knick-knacks. Okay, I would write more but someone else needs the computer so I've got to go! Call me!!! I love talking to people since I'm all the way out here! Thanks to my mom, Steve, Colin and G & G for finding time in your busy days to call me in my boring, frustrating days!!
Much love!!
It's another beautiful day here in Park City and I finally have some pretty good news to report. I have found a temporary place to stay until I find something more permanent and I move in tomorrow. It is a really cute little furnished studio on the back of a woman's house, but it really felt very separate when I went to check it out. It's absolutely charming!! I'll post some pics as soon as I'm settled. I'm so glad to be out of the hotel and especially to be into a place where I'll have Internet.... let's hope anyway, right? I mean they said I would have it in my room here and I don't. So first thing next week I'll go get a new license and I need to make a new tag for Belami that doesn't say NH on it! I'll also figure out exactly what I need to do for my car.... we're getting somewhere with all this finally! I'm still looking for something long term however and those places are harder and harder to come by the closer fall (and winter) gets. I would advise anyone moving as far away as I did to REALLY think about the area that you're going to. I hate to sound defeated but if I had known what a hassle the beginning of this would be I would have gone somewhere much closer that was easier to visit and find a place to live beforehand. I was saying to my mom last night that luckily all of this has been a distraction from being homesick b/c I haven't felt that at all!!
Recruiting is still coming along much like the apartment hunt...... SLOWLY. We have a couple of people, but that's it! Luckily next week the other associate manager, Kathleen, will be in town so we can work together- it will be so nice to have someone else around!! Not that Belami hasn't been a superb companion but I really do feel bad for him, he must be bored in the little room and he probably will be in this new studio too, but what can I do? When it comes to apartments and living situations PC is NOT pet friendly. But you see dogs everywhere- that's something I've definitely realized recently.
I went into a store in town called "World Market" yesterday- has anyone heard of it? I guess it's a West Coast thing, but it was really cool. It's kind of like Pier 1, but seems less expensive. I LOVED it!! So many cool things to decorate a home or an apartment and other fun little knick-knacks. Okay, I would write more but someone else needs the computer so I've got to go! Call me!!! I love talking to people since I'm all the way out here! Thanks to my mom, Steve, Colin and G & G for finding time in your busy days to call me in my boring, frustrating days!!
Much love!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hi everyone! I'm on location for this blog at Park City Bread and Bagel. The Internet at the hotel didn't seem to be working this morning so since I needed some info on my email I decided to come here where I can also ask the employees if they want 2nd jobs or find out where to get some part-timers! I can also just introduce myself and get the word out about the store. Plus I am going to be meeting a guy from Colorado who is also looking for an apartment so I told him he could just come here. I have also connected with a girl from Dallas who will be moving here at the end of the month and needs a roomie. She has 2 kitties and we talked for about 5 minutes on the phone last night and she seems really cool! Got that great, friendly southern accent. The cool part about Park City is that the people here are from ALL OVER! I've met a couple Southerners and from what I've been told a lot of people from the East coast end up here too. I looked at an apartment yesterday that was at an absolute KILLER location!! It was literally on the other side of Main St. which is such a cool spot (and also where Sundance takes place) and also right near the town lifts for skiing. The apartment itself was also cool, there's a garage, washer and dryer, 2 bathrooms! It's a 2 bedroom and the guy living there now seems cool. I am just worried about the money b/c it's priced a little high for me. I am going to take the day to think about it and see if anything will come of the 2 people looking for places and then let the guy know that I'm interested. He almost seemed as though he wasn't into me living there which could be about Belami, but I'm not really sure so we'll see what happens! I'll keep everyone posted! I also looked at a place that was a basement apartment and while the family seemed super-nice that is just not what I'm looking for. I emailed a guy about a place near Park City called Heber City (everything in Utah is named "Blank City" huh?) b/c some people had told me that was an OK place to live but then I heard that it's not great so I emailed the guy to tell him I was no longer interested yesterday. Apparently he didn't receive that email however b/c I was woken up at 6: 24 am by this guy calling me!!!! I couldn't believe it! Who calls someone at 6:30 in the morning?! I'm waiting for these people to stop being busy so that I can talk to them but customers just keep comin' in! That's why this is a long blog! I bet everyone is probably wondering how I decided on the dumb name for my blog so I'll share.... everything normal was taken so I had to get creative! I decided that I am blossoming (or trying to) out here in these new surroundings and since I've always liked the flower theme, I thought it fit. If anyone is bored give me a call... I really enjoy catching up with everyone!! <3
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My first blog!
My lovely cousin Katie suggested that I start a blog to document my adventures in Park City so here goes! I just hope I have enough to write about and people aren't too bored to look! I'll do my best! Should be fun!! I have a feeling that my first few posts will be pretty much the same. Something like "Looked for an apartment today, no luck. Then I tried to hire people for the new store, no luck there either." I'll try to engage in more exciting activities, and if life here is anything like life back in NH I'm sure to have lots of little anecdotes to share as well. So stay tuned!
My lovely cousin Katie suggested that I start a blog to document my adventures in Park City so here goes! I just hope I have enough to write about and people aren't too bored to look! I'll do my best! Should be fun!! I have a feeling that my first few posts will be pretty much the same. Something like "Looked for an apartment today, no luck. Then I tried to hire people for the new store, no luck there either." I'll try to engage in more exciting activities, and if life here is anything like life back in NH I'm sure to have lots of little anecdotes to share as well. So stay tuned!
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