Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I got the call!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to be making the announcement you've all been waiting for....

SUZETTE CALLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, right?! She apologized and said that since she is a teacher she's been very busy these past couple of weeks. She was really nice about it and felt bad that I had been so worried about things! When we first started talking we actually got disconnected and all I could think was "Oh great! She finally calls me and now a cell phone isn't working!" Luckily I called her back and she answered right away. I am SO GLAD to have this taken care of. She is going to call me next week so that we can figure out the lease and the deposit check. At least now I know that if she doesn't call me right away she will EVENTUALLY call me. She assured me that the apartment is mine, I have nothing to worry about and she's really looking forward to renting to Laura Lee and me. YIPPEE!!

This afternoon I met with Kathleen and Stacie so that we could figure out exactly where we are at with hiring and to get organized and on the same page. We met at Park City Bread and Bagel which is that coffee/ bagel shop I have mentioned before. I am excited that I made the connection with this place because everyone there is super-nice and Kathleen and Stacie both like it a lot. It has become our official meeting place, and we'll be doing interviews there from now on. We asked them about catering the week before we open since the company pays to feed everyone during those long days. The owner, Adam, who is a really nice, young guy (I know what you're thinking, Mom. He has a girlfriend, I've met her too.) gave us the catering menu and we noticed that the prices were a little more than we could pay so he told us he would do it for less. Like $1.50 less per sandwich- that's really nice! It's just nice to know that I'm the one who found the spot and now it's becoming really useful!

On the subject of food, I made that meal I found on Rachael Ray's show. It was really good, except for the sun-dried tomatoes. I never have luck cooking with those! I like them when I order out but they always gross me out when I do anything with them myself. It was supposed to be made with a zucchini and onion salad but obviously I wouldn't cook anything involving an onion so instead I just cooked up some broccoli with garlic and olive oil- delicious! Now I am so full! The picture of my dinner doesn't do it justice and if anyone wants the recipe check out Rachael Ray's website.

I was discussing my blog with my Mom today and I was saying that I think it's funny to compare the subject matter of my blog with cousin Katie's.... She's writing about the next president and I'm recommending that everyone watch a movie about stoners. To each his (her?) own.


Unknown said...

Ok, I'm so glad that Suzette finally took the leap and called you back. One question - are you worried that some day she'll get her hands on your blog? Scary!

You dinner looks great. Yum. We'll have to try that (sans sun dried tomatoes - I have the same problem with making anything with them at home).

Katelyn said...

Heather, I thought you'd like this: