You all get 2 post from me today, lucky ducks! This one's especially for you, Shauna!
I watched the movie "Lars & the Real Girl" last night and I really liked it. Now I'm sure that everyone who wanted to see this movie has already seen it and anyone who hasn't seen it probably has no interest in it since it's a a little strange. It really is about a guy who is convinced that a blow up doll, Bianca, is his girlfriend. But what is so sweet about it is how everyone in the small town he lives in is SO nice to him (and Bianca) because they feel like that is what's best for him. I was always taught to smile at and be kind to anyone who is different and that's what the people in this town do. I was wondering what would happen the whole movie- I really had no idea how they would choose to end it. I think Ryan Gosling is one of the BEST young actors out there right now and he doesn't disappoint as Lars. The supporting cast is superb as well and there were a few parts where I laughed really hard! The movie isn't hilarious or anything but some little parts are pretty funny! So if anyone is looking for a good movie to rent I suggest "Lars & the Real Girl." OK and just notice one thing for me: Lars' fly is always down!! At first I thought I was just seeing things, but I'm pretty sure his pants are not zipped for a majority of the movie, not in a creepy way or anything but a "I'm just too dopey to remember to zip my fly" kind of way.... we've all been there.
Mom- you might want to skip this one since you haven't really liked any movie I've recommended to you in the last year, but you never know!
Heather I love the new layout and it makes me so happy that you are playing around with your blog and the different features you can add and whatnot.
It really is pretty fun!
I'm going to add you to my list of people that I e-mail when I find awesome blog entries.
P.S. thanks for adding me to your blog roll!!!
I love your comments on the movie..You need to be a movie reviewer...I hope that I would be tolerant if Cara brought home a Ken doll or a Barbie...( Yikes...) so glad you are having such fun adventures ALREADY...I will be emailing my cousins (Joel and Mila Levy and their 4 kids of JCrew sizes) to come in and buy, buy, buy from you...they have tried to get Bob and Cara and I out there for a few years now!
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