Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful....

Okay, so it's not frightful exactly, but it is SNOWING!!! It snowed hard all morning yesterday and then the sun came out and everything melted. I guess we'll see what happens this afternoon.... Oh yeah and my computer says it's 25 degrees outside! This is early for snow and mid-20s temps. even for Park City!

Yesterday I got up early and braved the weather to go yard sale shopping. I found 3 in the local paper so I went to all of them, and I saw a sign for a fourth while I was driving around so I stopped there as well. What I was really hoping to find was a dresser or a bookcase (or both!!) and I found neither. I know you're probably thinking "Didn't she buy a dresser the other day?" Yes, I did, but it's just a baby dresser as you can see from the photo so I still have to open a suitcase every time I need a shirt or pair of pants, and that's not fun. I did get my closet and suitcases all organized at least, but this is only a temporary solution. I spent all day getting my room in better shape yesterday so that I feel like I actually live here. I still have some more cleaning to do but I made a lot of progress!

I did find 3 things yesterday for a total of $15!! I bought the pretty flowered mirror for $5 at the first yard sale, nothing at the second and the bench with my TV on it for $8 at the third. I would have bought an actual TV stand at the fourth but while I was looking for a person to find out how much it was some loud-mouthed biotch asked and got it for $5. I was so mad I had to leave. I was mad about some other things too by the way and there wasn't really anything else good there.
I also went to that thrift shop I was told about. I actually went twice since when I went the first time they weren't open even though they should have been. I went back later and I was actually impressed with the furniture. The inside of the shop was awful! It was so cluttered and messy I could barely walk around. The furniture was outside which made it easier to look at, but it was still snowing pretty heavily so everything was covered. But there was a lot of decent stuff. The prices were really varied depending on what it was and what condition it was in. I found one coffee table that I liked but it was $60. I asked about a smaller, not as nice, white coffee table and the guy told me he'd sell it to me for $2!! How could I pass that up? It's not much to look at, but I'm on a budget here and it'll get the job done!! So the morning wasn't a total bust. I even got a little tunnel toy thing for Belami that the woman who sold me the bench gave me for free!

I was going to drive to IKEA and Urban Outfitters today for some more stuff for the apartment, but those are all the way in SLC and Draper, which is even further. With this snow I think I'll just lay low- go to the grocery store (I really need to do that!) and maybe watch one of the 2 Netflix I've had for a week now. I've been too busy and too into my book to watch any movies lately.

I'll definitely be too busy to watch any Netflix from January 15-25 since I'll be at Sundance!! I'm in the clear to buy tickets! It's a whole process and first you have to register for a time to buy and then you buy. My time to buy is October 23- see what I mean about it being a similar process to registering for college courses?
As I buy more stuff for the apartment I'll post more pics, but I have a feeling this is going to be a slow process. I snuck in a photo of Belami doing one of his model poses for everyone to enjoy too!


Paula said...

Belami looks VERY handsome as usual. I like the way he matches the tile floor. Your room looks really nice! I love the ledge around the wall; looks very handy to stick stuff on! Can't wait to see what other additions you come up with- keep us posted!

Amy said...

I've gotta go to a yard sale! Sounds like good stuff and good deals. Your room is cool - like the ledge alot. I have no volume on my computer so I couldn't hear the SNL clip you sent me - I have to go to Kinko's to listen to it, but I will :) Cannot believe the snow...starting to like FL more and more, haha!!