Friday, October 31, 2008

Reel scary....

Happy Halloween!

Okay so for most of you it's probably the day after Halloween as you read this so in that case.... Happy November!

In honor of the creepy holiday I was discussing scary movies with one of my coworkers, Anna. I asked what the scariest movie she had ever seen was and she said The Exorcist. This came as no surprise to me because for one particular age group this film was absolutely terrifying, like nothing people had ever seen before. I can't think of another film which has had quite that effect on people, can you?

The scariest movie I have ever seen is The Ring. I had nightmares after watching that, seriously, it just really got into my head. listed their top 20 picks for the scariest movies of all time and Carrie was on the list. The very last scene of that film was mentioned which I had COMPLETELY forgotten about!That made me jump like nothing else I have ever seen! Just in case anyone reading this hasn't seen that movie (doubtful?) I won't reveal the surprise, it's a doozie! What's the scariest movie YOU'VE ever seen?

While browsing the Internet this evening I found another interesting article. This one was about tattoos and how many areas and companies are beginning to ask employees to cover up their ink. Some employers are taking tats into consideration when hiring as well. Big surprise here: Bountiful, UT made a decision this summer that new employees must cover up tattoos. Chill out, Utah!

I do not consider tattoos offensive. I think that they can be depending on what they say or depict, but a tattoo is a work of art, a form of self-expression. Tattoos tell stories. Just today a girl at work asked about the tattoo on my foot which led to a whole discussion on studying abroad. You can learn about people through tattoos. In this day and age people are encouraged to look beyond appearances and judge a person based on what is on the inside, but rules like these force judgements to be made on nothing else but the look of an individual. I found my quote for the day in the article...

We don't allow discrimination based on skin color, yet we came up with a policy that discriminated against people with color on their skin.
-Steve Tufts, president of the United Firefighters of Los Angeles City


Paula said...

"The Exorcist" is my vote for the scariest movie I've ever seen, so I'm guessing Anna must be about my age? Just thinking about how scared I was makes me scared!
I'm wondering how the girl at work saw your foot tat? Are you still wearing sandals/flipflops to work??? Isn't it a bit chilly??

Amy said...

That is crazy about the tattoos! Just when we thought they were becoming more mainstream and acceptable - that's crazy! SO many people have tattoos in FL - way more than any other place I've been - and a lot of them are "normal" people too. Anyway - probably my scariest movie would be Halloween (the original one) - I love that movie. There are so many others too! And speaking of scary movies, have you seen the Strangers?? I thought that one was scary! There was this one scene that really freaked me out!