Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where have I been all your life... er... week?

Well hello again!

It's been too long since my last post. The delay is due to my computer being.... infected. Ewww, that's what the "Park City Computer Guy" called it when he fixed it for me. It's all better now- thank goodness! I felt so disconnected from the world without this little guy for a few days!

I have been working so much, make that TOO much lately. We are just doing so much more volume than anticipated so our original staffing needs have been upped! Luckily our fourth manager starts next week and we hired 7 new part time associates this week. That will make things easier and more enjoyable for everyone at work! Especially Kathleen, Stacie and me, who have been working way more than we should. Other than that work is going great!

I've obtained more furniture since my last post! Last Saturday I went out to the yard sales again before work and got a bookshelf and cute kitchen table for $25 each! We bought 4 chairs to match for $5 each. They need to be reupholstered so that could be a fun little project for me when I have some free time. I haven't taken pictures of the stuff yet but I will soon and put them up when I do!

Today after work I attended an orientation for the therapeutic riding program at the National Ability Center here in Park City. I really hope I can work it out with my schedule- should be able to with the new employees- but in retail it's tough to have a specific time off every week.

I love having a blog but since it is so public there are stories I wish I could tell everyone that I'm not comfortable posting if they make someone else look silly or even stupid! There's stuff going on that most of you don't even know about since the way you keep up with my adventures is by reading this! Email or call anytime to get the scoop! I'm like a TV show... you have to go online to get behind-the-scenes footage!

I have a confession to make: almost every time I get a phone call or email from someone I secretly hope they're going to say that they are coming to visit! So can someone just grant my one wish and buy a damn plane ticket already!? I may not have furniture but I did find an air mattress in the laundry room (I guess it's more of a laundry closet) the other day!

Wayne Pacelle's blog had some great news today that Ebay will no longer allow ivory buying or selling on their site! Read all about it to your right! And since I told everyone reading this to vote YES on Prop 2 in CA, I wanted to also encourage any Californians to vote NO on Prop 8!!!

Boring blog, but I wanted everyone to know what's up with me lately! I'll post pictures soon, promise!!


Paula said...

I just read W.P.'s blog- way to go Ebay! That's great news!

National Ability Center said...

We hope you can work it out to be able to come and help out at the National Ability Center with us! Good luck with all the other new stuff you have going on.