Happy birthday, Belami!! I can't believe that my little baby is one year old! They sure do grow up fast, don't they? He looks a little annoyed with me in this pic, huh? Probably because I woke him up... or because I'm making him wear the new bow tie I got him for his birthday.
I think this is the longest I have ever gone without writing a blog. I'm sorry! After I took that PTO I worked for 7 days straight and then when I finally did have a day off I had a million boring things to do. But yesterday I had an enjoyable day off!
I was finally able to participate in the therapeutic riding program at the NAC and it was a lot of fun! There was a group of 12 kids from SLC with visual impairments of varying degrees. The kids were great and I think that they really enjoyed themselves! I'm helping with a lesson again on Monday. Even though I'm not able to commit to the same time every week I'll always help out when I can and that seems to be working out great for everyone! The only problem yesterday was that I had to use a Western saddle and I had no idea what I was doing!! There are way more straps and buckles and pieces to a Western saddle so I think that will take some getting used to. They also use English saddles, but I just happened to get stuck with the Western both times. The volunteer coordinator, Abby, had to help me, but luckily she was really nice about it!
Last night Stacie and I went to see Twilight. My goodness that movie is quite an event! When the lights went down in the theater all these people screamed (literally screamed) with delight! It was hilarious! We bought our tickets on Thursday and the teenage boy working there said the movie was so good and he never likes movies like that, he hasn't read the book, yada, yada, yada.... but he'd see it again. It was THAT good in his opinion. I liked it, it was exactly what I expected- but I wasn't expecting to love it. It was pretty cheesy and what's with all the dramatic music? I will say this: I was unsure about the casting of Edward, but by the end of the movie I was smitten just like everyone else! I think every single Friday night showing was sold out, the theater was an absolute madhouse! What is it about this movie/ story/ book that's got everyone in such a frenzy?
In other film news I found a very interesting article in Entertainment Weekly about a blogger who was urging filmmakers to skip the Sundance Film Festival since members of the Mormon church donated a ton of money in support of California's ban on gay marriage. The Sundance Institute isn't worried, however, since they have always celebrated and supported diversity in the movies. I certainly hope the film festival doesn't get boycotted or canceled! That would be awful!
I bought my plane tickets home this morning! I'm psyched to be back in NH in less than 2 months. I want to see as many people as I can so it's bound to be a busy week!
And here's a funny story that I realize not all of my blog-readers will understand, but most will get a kick out of. I went out to dinner at a place called The Old Spaghetti Factory and they serve spumoni ice cream! It's vanilla, cherry and pistachio, I think. I wonder if Joey makes it?
I'll try not to go so long without a blog next time!
You can't own a cat. The best you can do is be partners.
-Sir Harry Swanson
The Sundance Festival never should have been in the Hate State in the first place. There is no possible way to hold an event in Utah without financing the Mormon Church's misogynistic, heterosexist, and racist jihads.
Happy Birthday Belami!!! What a handsome boy in your bow tie! Your foster mom is very proud of you!!!
Ummmm....Heather, am I to assume you have never heard of spumoni ice cream before??? Where did you grow up- in Cow Hampshire??
Well, at least now you can say you live in the Hate State- WTF!?!? Hope they don't cancel Sundance; wouldn't that just be your luck??? (Hopefully no mistakes in this comment- I only had one glass of wine with dinner tonight....)
Belami is so cute in his bow tie - where did you find that?? And don't worry I don't think I've ever heard of spumoni ice cream either! And you're not the only one that lives in a hate state, FL banned gay marriage too, although not so severely, they did it before anyone even tried - losers! And I promise I'll write that email ASAP about positioning the pictures - sorry :( And you have to visit New Orleans!! It is a very neat place I think you'd like it :)
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