As many of you already know I spent this past weekend in California. It was a short trip but a lot of fun!
I would like to advise anyone traveling for the next 7 months to avoid the Las Vegas airport since they are doing construction and only operating on one runway. The result of this is basically that any flight going into or out of that airport is delayed by about an hour. Now I always think it's really dumb for people to get all bent out of shape when something goes wrong at an airport (remember my story where I realized that being nice truly does get you what you want sometime?) but I feel like this is really poor planning and deceptive. People are scheduling flights and making plans but you don't find out until you get there that you will DEFINITELY be delayed. It seems like they should let people know beforehand or schedule less flights or something... oh well, I guess I don't really know much about how an airport works.
The point of that little rant is that since my flights to and from CA both went through Las Vegas, I was delayed going there and coming home. It was only about an hour though, so no big deal. I arrived in Sacramento which is somewhere between 45 minutes to an hour from Vacaville, where Katie and Jeff live. We went out with some of their friends Friday night in downtown Vacaville where Katie and I sang karaoke to the Wham! classic Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. It was awesome! It was really fun to hang out with Katie and Jeff and meet some of their friends. The night was a blast!
The next morning Katie and I drove to San Francisco to spend the day with Steve and Colin. It was really easy to get there and I am so jealous that they all live so close to each other!! Once we got there everyone was hungry so we decided to walk and get some lunch but by that time it was really raining. We wanted to sit outside so we found a table that was under the biggest umbrella ever and that did us just fine! My avocado salad was delicious, as was the macaroni and cheese that we got to share! Afterwards we walked to get ice cream which was also delicious! And we didn't even feel bad about it because we had a light lunch and had walked pretty far to the ice cream place and then back to Steve and Colin's house. Since it was yucky outside we just hung out and talked for the rest of the afternoon before meeting up with Jeff and a friend of his for sushi. The dinner was good and we had a lot of fun. We decided to go out to a bar before heading back to Vacaville. We made the day last as long as we could to make up for all the time that we don't get to spend together.... awwww.
On Sunday Katie and I went out to lunch and then shopping for a bit before she showed me the house that her and Jeff just bought and will be moving into this week! By the time we had finished there it was time for me to go to the airport, so sadly my fun Cali weekend had come to an end.
It was SO GREAT to see Katie, Jeff, Steve and Colin! I miss those guys! It's nice to be close enough to spend just a weekend with them and the warm weather was a nice break from all this snow and cold! The cool thing about this trip is that it was 10 years ago that Katie and I first ventured to California together to spend time with Steve!
I'll leave you with my quote for the day.
Q: What do you get when you combine Van Gogh and Beethoven?
A: Phantom Earlobes
Some guy gave us this little riddle while we were eating lunch on Saturday. We don't know exactly what it means... do you??
Loved reading your blog, Heather, but the pictures are worth a thousand words! They say ti all! Cute pets- how come only one of Syeve's cats?? And love the glasses.
As for the riddle- maybe it has something to do with Van Gogh cutting off his ear and Beethoven being deaf? I think he was deaf....
I totally forgot about that joke! You remember everything... ha ha ha..
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