One thing (among many others) I really love about cats is when they suddenly stop what they are doing, whatever it is, and start frantically licking themselves in just one spot. It's like that little bit of fur was SO dirty it just couldn't wait to be cleaned.
One thing (among very few others) I really don't like about cats is when they break things that you really love. Like the beautiful candle holders that Katie sent me for Christmas... started out with 4 and we are down to 2. Neve slid into one and it fell to the floor shattering into a million pieces and the other day I came home from work to find another one smashed on the floor. The 2 little brats weren't hurt, thank goodness, but honestly, I was sad. I've moved them to a higher shelf where the kitties can't reach them so I think the last 2 are safe now.
I'm sure all of you cat- and any other pet- owners can relate and would agree with me that the good FAR outweighs the bad.
Even Belami appreciates the great view!
After a long day of breaking things, it's good to rest.
Wait, for now. Distrust everything if you have to. But trust the hours. Haven't they carried you everywhere, up to now? Personal events will become interesting again. Hair will become interesting. Pain will become interesting. Buds that open out of season will become interesting. Second-hand gloves will become lovely again; their memories are what give them the need for other hands. The desolation of lovers is the same: that enormous emptiness carved out of such tiny beings as we are asks to be filled; the need for the new love is faithfulness to the old.
Wait. Don't go too early. You're tired. But everyone's tired. But no one is tired enough. Only wait a little and listen: music of hair, music of pain, music of looms weaving our loves again. Be there to hear it, it will be the only time, most of all to hear your whole existence, rehearsed by the sorrows, play itself into total exhaustion.
This is one of my favorite poems, and I thought I would share it with everyone. I first discovered this piece in the poetry class I took my senior year at UNH. Part of the reason I love it is because Kinnell wrote it for one of his students who was contemplating suicide. Not only did she not kill herself, she thanked Kinnell and he read this poem every time he visited a college in hopes that if anyone in the audience was having similar feelings they would decide instead to just... Wait.
I have decided that I am no longer going to buy CDs because it is a waste of paper, plastic and space. I will just download from Itunes going forward. I look at the pages of a CD booklet maybe once and then I struggle to find a place to keep the case. When you buy an album from Itunes you get the same pages that you would when buying a CD- it opens up on your computer. I like to know lyrics so that's the main reason I look at the booklet. For instance, Gabriella Cilmi's CD- I can't understand what she says, which can pose a problem when you're trying to sing along. I read the lyrics that I wasn't sure of and that was all I needed, but now I don't have to worry about finding a place for the CD case that I'm probably never going to need again.
I don't have a stereo so the way that I listen to music around the apartment is by putting my Itunes on shuffle. I love not knowing what song it will pick for me next! Sometimes it will play a song I had totally forgotten that I love! The thing that I don't like is when it shuffles to a Christmas song right in the middle of everything. I guess I should just take the time to separate the types of music, but I really don't feel like it! It's so funny when I'm in the other room and all of a sudden I hear Madonna singing Santa Baby!
Music is ESSENTIAL to a successful workout for me. A good beat gets me pumped! Here are 15 of the songs that provide me with that extra push while I'm exercising:
Discipline... NIN (Thank you, Jared!!) My Life Would Suck Without You... Kelly Clarkson The Fame... Lady Gaga Faster Kill Pussycat... Paul Oakenfold f. Brittany Murphy New Sensation... INXS Shut Up and Let Me Go... The Ting Tings Shake Your Pom Pom... Missy Elliott Hombre... M.I.A. The Way You Make Me Feel... Michael Jackson Sunday Morning... K-OS Misery Business... Paramore Cobrastyle... Robyn Jai Ho... A.R. Rahman (Slumdog Millionaire Sdtk.)* Superstar... Jamelia Fantasy... Mariah Carey f. ODB
*Does anyone else think it's weird that The Pussycat Dolls have already remade this song?! It's not even different- just dumb!! Why did they let them do that?!
Here are two songs I'm really into right now if anyone else wants to give them a listen... Around the Bend by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour and Heartbeats by The Knife.
Without music I should wish to die. Edna St. Vincent Millay
I said that I'd let you all know how I Love You, Man was and it was hilarious! I'm so glad that Paul Rudd is a leading man! We've loved him since Clueless but he's always played the sidekick in films. He can certainly hold his own and he was so funny in this role! The supporting cast is also great! If you're looking for a laugh, you should totally see this movie!
I made myself a snowball As perfect as can be. I thought I'd keep it as a pet And let it sleep with me. I made it some pajamas And a pillow for it's head. Then last night it ran away, But first it wet the bed.
That Mother Nature loves to tease, doesn't she? Last week the weather was unbelievable! Warm with a nice breeze, perfect skirt weather, although a reminder that I need a tan. Now it is SNOWING!! I am officially sick of winter! I realize that I shouldn't complain because my first winter in Park City was rather mild, but I'm a summer girl at heart so bring on the SUN!!!!
I've had the last couple of days off which is why I've been able to write every day. I didn't do anything terribly exciting but I did work out every day! I got my ass kicked in fact. This morning I attended a step class taught by Terri, one of the other managers at work. I'm pretty quick to pick up the basic steps but with the more involved ones I feel like by the time I get it we've moved on to something else. What bugged me though was the people who would offer to show me the step slower which was SO NICE of them but then it made me feel bad that they were altering their workout so that Ms. Uncoordinated in the back row could catch up. What bugged me even more was when Terri told us to go get weights and this one lady said I should grab lighter weights! I wanted to say this:
"Mind your own f-ing business lady! Just because I can't move my feet as fast as you doesn't mean I don't have strong arms!"
Here's what I actually said:
"Okay, thanks!"
Wouldn't the first comment have been way better?! Oh well. The class is an hour and a half long! With a nice little break in the middle to go do, oh I don't know... A MILLION lunges in the gym. The class was fun, maybe I'll even do it again, but between that and meeting with the trainer on Monday I am sore. Oh and I'm sure you're wondering how that went.
I was a sweaty, weak, totally unfunny, uncharming mess while the trainer stands there looking all adorable, making me do all these dumb exercises. Like for instance the Treadmill of Death, as it will now be affectionately referred to. He had it on such an incline I thought I might fall off! Or FULL sit-ups! I do crunches almost every day but these, folks, I COULD NOT do them. I'm not joking! He said we were going to do 20, but he had to help me and when we got to 10, he's like "Okay that's enough." Cool. The only thing that made me feel better was when I told another woman I work with who is a personal trainer what I did during the session she said that it was hard stuff and she was a little surprised. I got some tips from her on how to modify things a bit so that it isn't as difficult for me at first. Overall, meeting with the trainer was helpful so I'm glad I was talked into it.
The good news about my fitness endeavors is that not only do I feel better but I'm noticing a difference in how I look! Just a little bit, but seeing results is super-motivating and makes me want to keep at it.
One of my headlights was out and I needed an oil change anyway so I spent part of my day getting my car worked on. And I SWEAR, every single time I get my oil changed they find something else wrong with my car and today was no different. I need a new battery and my transmission fluid is dirty or something. Don't quote me on that, I don't have the paper in front of me, but come on! Cars are too expensive. While I was sitting there waiting I heard the James Bond theme music all of a sudden and I realized it was this old man's ring tone! I got a big kick out of that! There was also a guy there who had a really friendly and cute bulldog! She was walking around, greeting everybody in the waiting room.
Tonight Stacie and I are going to see I Love You, Man. Which looks so funny and has gotten positive reviews so far. I hope I like it! I'll let you all know how it is!
Did you all notice the new addition to my "blog love" section?
Ashley is a girl I work with and she takes beautiful photos which are on display at the Ashley Swapp Photography blog. Ashley is a great employee and just the sweetest girl you'd ever meet!
If you like adorable babies, you'll especially LOVE her stuff! Check it out!
You all know "the other grandmother" now it's time to meet the other me!
Ever wonder if someone out there has not only the same name, but also the same dance moves and outfit as you??? Well folks, in my case it's true, as you can see by this video:
As you can see I have given my blog a makeover! I want to start keeping up with this again so I decided to freshen things up a bit!
I'm going to try doing things a little differently this time and take some of the pressure off. I was always thinking to myself "What am I going to write on my blog today???" This should be fun, right? I was worrying too much. I'll try to write more often but some days it won't be about my life. It might just be a recommendation of some sort- movie, song, book, etc., or just the link to an interesting article online. I might just post a picture, or a quote, but I WILL try to get into this more. And if it doesn't work this time, maybe I'm just not cut out for life in the blogoshpere. Wish me luck!
Belami and Neve doing great, as usual! Nevie was spayed recently and you would NEVER have known she had major surgery, she healed up so nicely! B is currently on antibiotics to clear up his runny nose, but other than that he's perfectly healthy and they are both about as full as energy as possible! As the weather gets warmer they love looking out the windows at all of the wildlife in our backyard. Aside from the magpies, we have seen a little mole and even a duck! It's great entertainment!
We have the apartment to ourselves at the moment since Erin and Germano moved out last week. We put some ads up about the open room but not many people are looking this time of year. If you know anyone moving to PC, give them my number!! I'll leave you with a music suggestion...
Meet Gabriella Cilmi (chill-me) she's 17, born in Melbourne, and she's got a killer voice. I can't believe she's a teenagerwhen I listen to her! Her CD is called Lessons to be Learned and her first single, Sweet About Me is awesome! If you don't want the entire CD, here are some of my other song suggestions: Round and Round or Cigarettes and Lies. DOWNLOAD her- you'll thank me!
I'm off to bed early because I've been going to the gym on a pretty regular basis and tomorrow I'm meeting with a trainer for some tips!
Here's a cute quote, nothing to do with the post, but you'll like it, I think...
Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Mark Knopfler
This blog is currently under construction to be better. It should be functioning in its improved state quite soon. Thank you for your understanding!
If you've stumbled across this site in boredom please visit for some entertainment. I take no responsibility in the addiction that may result.