Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow? Really?

-Shel Silverstein

I made myself a snowball
As perfect as can be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for it's head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.

That Mother Nature loves to tease, doesn't she? Last week the weather was unbelievable! Warm with a nice breeze, perfect skirt weather, although a reminder that I need a tan. Now it is SNOWING!! I am officially sick of winter! I realize that I shouldn't complain because my first winter in Park City was rather mild, but I'm a summer girl at heart so bring on the SUN!!!!

I've had the last couple of days off which is why I've been able to write every day. I didn't do anything terribly exciting but I did work out every day! I got my ass kicked in fact. This morning I attended a step class taught by Terri, one of the other managers at work. I'm pretty quick to pick up the basic steps but with the more involved ones I feel like by the time I get it we've moved on to something else. What bugged me though was the people who would offer to show me the step slower which was SO NICE of them but then it made me feel bad that they were altering their workout so that Ms. Uncoordinated in the back row could catch up. What bugged me even more was when Terri told us to go get weights and this one lady said I should grab lighter weights! I wanted to say this:

"Mind your own f-ing business lady! Just because I can't move my feet as fast as you doesn't mean I don't have strong arms!"

Here's what I actually said:

"Okay, thanks!"

Wouldn't the first comment have been way better?! Oh well. The class is an hour and a half long! With a nice little break in the middle to go do, oh I don't know... A MILLION lunges in the gym. The class was fun, maybe I'll even do it again, but between that and meeting with the trainer on Monday I am sore. Oh and I'm sure you're wondering how that went.

I was a sweaty, weak, totally unfunny, uncharming mess while the trainer stands there looking all adorable, making me do all these dumb exercises. Like for instance the Treadmill of Death, as it will now be affectionately referred to. He had it on such an incline I thought I might fall off! Or FULL sit-ups! I do crunches almost every day but these, folks, I COULD NOT do them. I'm not joking! He said we were going to do 20, but he had to help me and when we got to 10, he's like "Okay that's enough." Cool. The only thing that made me feel better was when I told another woman I work with who is a personal trainer what I did during the session she said that it was hard stuff and she was a little surprised. I got some tips from her on how to modify things a bit so that it isn't as difficult for me at first. Overall, meeting with the trainer was helpful so I'm glad I was talked into it.

The good news about my fitness endeavors is that not only do I feel better but I'm noticing a difference in how I look! Just a little bit, but seeing results is super-motivating and makes me want to keep at it.

One of my headlights was out and I needed an oil change anyway so I spent part of my day getting my car worked on. And I SWEAR, every single time I get my oil changed they find something else wrong with my car and today was no different. I need a new battery and my transmission fluid is dirty or something. Don't quote me on that, I don't have the paper in front of me, but come on! Cars are too expensive. While I was sitting there waiting I heard the James Bond theme music all of a sudden and I realized it was this old man's ring tone! I got a big kick out of that! There was also a guy there who had a really friendly and cute bulldog! She was walking around, greeting everybody in the waiting room.

Tonight Stacie and I are going to see I Love You, Man. Which looks so funny and has gotten positive reviews so far. I hope I like it! I'll let you all know how it is!

1 comment:

Amy said...

You're making me think I should actually take advantage of the fact that I work at at gym and have free membership...thanks alot!! Haha!! Too bad about the snow :( It's been beach weather here for about a month, hehe! Glad you're blogging again, it's fun to read no matter what it's about.