Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One thing I really love about cats...

One thing (among many others) I really love about cats is when they suddenly stop what they are doing, whatever it is, and start frantically licking themselves in just one spot. It's like that little bit of fur was SO dirty it just couldn't wait to be cleaned.

One thing (among very few others) I really don't like about cats is when they break things that you really love. Like the beautiful candle holders that Katie sent me for Christmas... started out with 4 and we are down to 2. Neve slid into one and it fell to the floor shattering into a million pieces and the other day I came home from work to find another one smashed on the floor. The 2 little brats weren't hurt, thank goodness, but honestly, I was sad. I've moved them to a higher shelf where the kitties can't reach them so I think the last 2 are safe now.

I'm sure all of you cat- and any other pet- owners can relate and would agree with me that the good FAR outweighs the bad.

Even Belami appreciates the great view!

After a long day of breaking things, it's good to rest.

Cat nap.



I'm so glad that they love each other!

He takes great pictures, doesn't he?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yay! Kitty pics! I love kitty pics! They are so cute and it is always so nice to see them enjoying each others company...Thanks for sharing!!