When we called it a day this afternoon the NSO team said that this is the furthest ahead they've ever been in all of the store openings they've done! I guess that's a good sign, eh? We must be doing something right! No thanks to me..... I worked on the floor for the first time today and they had me put together a wall of women's socks. There are some little feet that you display the socks on that I have seen before but never actually used. So a few hours after I was done with the wall someone noticed that I had used 2 man feet and 1 woman foot- oops! The funny part is that while I was setting the display I was thinking that it just didn't look right, but I didn't know what I was doing!! Everyone thought it was pretty funny and it provided us all with a good chuckle.
Tomorrow we start training the part-time employees on register and we'll do some fit sessions so everyone can help the customers shop for the best fits. I think that the associates are all very excited about that part of the day!
MADE of Honor, which I misspelled last night, was SO DUMB! I still haven't figured out who has similar taste to mine in movies, but I'll be careful who I take advice from around here going forward! When I rented that movie last night the guy at Blockbuster told me that I had a late fee for The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. Now even though I would eventually like to watch that movie, I haven't ever rented it! I questioned this so the nice cashier took off the late fee and I asked Jared and my mom if either of them had rented the movie since we are all on the same account. When they both said they hadn't I was a little concerned so I went back today and they said that the movie was rented from the Blockbuster here in PC! We decided to make it so that anyone who goes to this Blockbuster here has to show an ID to rent a movie. I really wonder what is going on though! Isn't that weird?! Once I move into the new place I will go back to Netflix so I won't really have to worry about it, but I'm glad we figured it out now so that if someone really was somehow renting movies on our account, they won't be able to anymore.
That's all for today- nothing exciting. I was supposed to have the day off tomorrow but I switched with Stacie because her family is in town so now I don't have a day off until Thursday. But I also have Friday off so I'll be able to start getting ready to move on the 30th. I can't wait for Belami to have friends- he must sleep all day while I'm working because when I get home he is WOUND UP! Today he ripped the curtain rod right off the wall and I had to crawl around looking for the screw that held it in place! That was fun. He is such a brat sometimes, but really I can't blame him because this is not the ideal situation for a kitten. Right now he's sleeping like a little angel, which is what I should be doing. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Night!
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