It is so amazing how wonderful the store looks at this point! It is basically DONE with only a few minor details to tackle tomorrow. The majority of the day will be spent training our part-timers on how to do everything else besides fold and hang!
Today was kind of a weird day because Kathleen only worked a half day due to some scheduling issues last week and Stacie was off. I felt like I was being pulled in a lot of different directions throughout the day and one of the NSO team members snapped at me. When I asked if he could help me for a second he said, simply, "NO!" He wasn't kidding or anything either- it caught me a little off guard but I know he's just stressed out so I let it go without getting upset. Oh yeah and when a cleaning crew was mopping the floor I VERY nearly fell on my ass in the backroom. Luckily I caught myself before actually touching down and avoided getting soaked on the wet floor. The whole cleaning crew situation was pretty annoying. We were done for the day so we sent everyone home but the NSO team and I couldn't leave until the cleaning was done, plus, we couldn't walk anywhere since the floors had to dry. We basically all stood in the middle of the store where they all talked about stuff I know nothing about and I twiddled my thumbs. I was so glad when Stacie called to see how the day went and I actually had something to do!
I watched the Emmys tonight and what was up with all the hosts? They should have just hired Tom Bergeron to do the whole thing himself- he rocks! And is Jeff Probst (or however you spell his name) just too cool to wear a tie? Even Heidi Klum wore one! The Emmys are so dumb because the same, like, 3 shows win EVERY award for 8 years in a row! Tomorrow night is the season premiere of Dancing With The Stars!! I can't wait and I guess it's a good thing I don't have any friends here because I have a date with the TV for the next 4 nights between DWTS and The Office. That's sad....
Stay classy, bloggers!
I'm totally psyched for new shows too! Pretty sad, huh?
What the heck are those pictures of in this blog? Kind of looks like something I made in 7th grade sewing class with Mrs. MacDonald!!!
Yeah, what are those things? And how much do they cost?? Don't buy them...I'll make them for you , ha! Your B-day gift finally got sent - so keep an eye out - hope it gets there before you move :) Sounds like the store is really coming along, wish I could come see it and shop on the big day! Thanks for the blogger welcome and I hope to post FL pics soon.
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