Last night I was watching John and Kate Plus 8: The Gosselins Go Skiing. Did I spell their name right? I don't know... anyway. So where did they go skiing? Where else but the home of the greatest snow on earth, Park City, Utah! It was cool to see places I drive by every day on TV. Speaking of skiing in PC, I think I will be the city's ONLY resident without a ski pass. I can't justify spending the money on something I'm not sure I'll use all that much. I'm just going to pay for the day and rent the equipment when I go. What I will spend money on and use, however, are tickets to Sundance! They have great deals for Utah residents. It's a slightly complicated process to even purchase the tickets, strongly resembling what it's like to register for classes in college. I'm not sure if I'll even be able to get the tickets, but I'm sure going to try!
So anyone who knows me would probably say that I frequently wear my hair pulled back in a barrette with a side part, it's messy.... you guys all know what I'm talking about, right? Well today a guy told me that I look like Sarah Palin with my hair like that! I can understand when people say I resemble America Ferrera, or Katie Holmes (pre-Tom Cruise), or even that Mexican girl at Best Buy that Jared thought was me... but Sarah Palin??? Oh yeah, me, Palin and Tina Fey- we're practically triplets! Please note I was NOT wearing glasses. Did everyone see Tina Fey do her Palin impression? She was dead-on. Amy Poehler was very funny in the role of Hillary Clinton. The whole skit is a riot and worth checking out on the web if you missed it. By far the best part of the SNL premiere. I guess you don't really have to be able to read cue cards to be an Olympian. Fine with me. When you break over 30 world records and have a smokin' bod such as Michael Phelps does (right, ladies?) is it really fair to be good at anything else?
I finally finished Chelsea Handler's book Are you there, Vodka? It's me, Chelsea. Overall I was entertained but I don't like her attitude towards little people. She is incredibly offensive regarding them, but the worst part is that she refuses to admit it. She seems to think the things she says are entirely appropriate and that's what bothers me. I've moved onto Marley and Me to hold me over until the next book for my new book group is returned to the library. I just wanted an easy read and so far this fits the bill, but I was crying by the second page... great.
Have I completely screwed myself by being inconsistent with this blog? No one even commented on my last entry. I'm trying, I really am! Maybe some funny/interesting stuff will happen at work that I can write about. Tomorrow is our first day in the building! We had a conference call yesterday with the new store opening team and I found out that I'll be doing a lot of office stuff since I'm in charge of HR at the store. I think I'll be able to learn a great deal. I'm going to be working 10 hour days until next Monday and I feel so bad for little Belami! He will be all alone for so long!!! I'll just have to leave a lot of toys out for him to play with and hope he doesn't lose them all under the stove, which is where most of them end up. Along with my lip gloss, cell phone, pens and anything else he knocks on the floor to play with, the little troublemaker.
Per audience requests I've included a few photos of what it looks like outside my current apartment and around the neighborhood. I took these when I went on a walk one afternoon- beautiful as you can see. The bird is a magpie- you see them all over Park City! Dad, that picture is especially for you! I really need to be better at putting pics on my blog- sorry about that! By the way, I still haven't found the right glue for the tea kettle, but I did throw that broken glass away. I'll just write Paola a note about it when I leave. I move into my new apartment on September 30- yay! I'm excited but I know I'll miss my fancy sinks :(
Time for bed- I have a long day tomorrow. Good night and happy dreaming!
Pictures are the best! I love to see the places people are - even if it might seem mundane - like I love that pic of the space between the houses :) And it's funny that you did this 'cause I was just the other day thinking about how ugly Florida is...I mean really, there is nothing pretty here. I thought NH was acutally quit beautiful and Utah seems like it has a really interesting landscape. Even the beaches aren't all that spectacular, I mean they are nice but nothing my point - love the pics! Can't wait to see your new place, Sarah, er I mean Heather :)
Oh and also...speaking of snow - cannot wait to see those pics! Are you gonna get alot??
Sara Palin? thats so odd.
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