Today was our last day before the GRAND OPENING!!! It was a fun day because when we finished our training, we got down to business, the business of shopping! Everyone had a great time trying all of the different items and doing fashion shows for each other. I spent $200 which I'm still in shock over... the last time I did that was when I first started working at J. Crew. We decided that this is a similar situation since it's a new place, new store. I think Kathleen and Stacie just said that to make me feel better about spending the money! I got some great pieces that I can build many outfits around so I guess it was money well-spent considering my line of work. There I go again trying to make myself feel okay about spending the money!
Enough about that! When Stacie and I were going over dress code we got to the point where it says that employees should have no more than one earring in each ear and she said that I might have to take my second and third earrings out! This really surprised me because when I was first hired at J. Crew I asked if my earrings were alright and was told that they were, so this has never been an issue until today. We asked Kim for advice and she said that if it were her store she would make me take them out because it is a written rule and we shouldn't make exceptions. I agree with her that exceptions can get you into trouble, but as much as I love J. Crew and enjoy working for the company, I think this is a STUPID policy! Even so, that isn't my problem, my issue isn't taking out my earrings- I really don't care because I can always re-peirce them if I want to. The thing that bothers me is that I have always, always, always promised myself that I would never have a job that made me change something about myself. At this point I have enough invested in this position that if I am required to take out my earrings, I will. The funny thing about all of this is that recently I was thinking that I might take those earrings out anyway, just for a change, but decided no to. I just would rather do it on my terms than J. Crew's. I'll let everyone know the outcome of this as soon as we get an answer on "The Earring Crisis." And who knows- if the decision is left up to me, maybe I'll decide to take them out anyway. If there's a good time for change (no matter how small that change is) I'd say that it's right after you move across the country!
Tomorrow is the big day and I can't wait! Our regional manager, Jackie, will be there and I have only ever spoken to her on the phone so I'm excited to finally meet her! The store looks great, everyone has a new "opening day outfit" picked out, and all spirits seem high among the associates! I think that's the perfect formula for a successful grand opening! I'm so proud of the hard work we all put into this project! Wish you were all here to see the new store and what I've been doing with all of my time lately.
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Good luck!!
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